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SHOP 701, 163 Brisbane Rd, Ipswich, Qld, Australia
PH- 3496 1192 MOB- 0413 529 171

Monday, August 13, 2012

I am BACK.. Watch out......

Hello all.. So come on, tell me... who has missed me?? I know I have many regular clients who visit my blog and Facebook to see what I have been up to and I know, I know, I haven't been keeping up with it all and updating you all on my latest photo expeditions.. So here I am again, ready to update you all with the latest and greatest from the all new ANGELIC STUDIO studio. (I know I wrote studio twice and yes, it was

Stunning wall art of the beautiful new bubba Cane.

Cane, cute as can be.

Ahhhh, the lovely Dan and Verity engagement shoot and soooooon their wedding.

Nothing like a mothers love.

THE FUNNIEST engagement shoot with Dan and Michelle, cannot wait for the wedding

In between the laughs, we managed to actually capture a few intimate shots..
So there you go folks, I am back on track now that things have settled down with the new studio and rockin and rolling again. 
Our new location is Shop 701, 163 Brisbane St, Ipswich. 07 3496 1192... Daddy's day is coming soon, why not give the gift that will last a life time, and some. Vouchers available.. 
Talk soon.

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