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About Me

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SHOP 701, 163 Brisbane Rd, Ipswich, Qld, Australia
PH- 3496 1192 MOB- 0413 529 171

Monday, March 7, 2011


Welcome welcome welcome... New things are happening here at Angelic Studio (Formerly known as Angelic Photographics). Why the name change, you ask.. Let's just say it was a slight error on my behalf... but changing my name has been a wake up call for me to revamp my direction and to let the world know "HERE I AM"..Yes a little over the top but I am so excited to have my new web site launched with a new attitude and a new look.

For those not familiar with the "Angelic World", I am owner, primary Photographer, manager, cleaner, accountant and general run about for Angelic Studio. I have been in business for over 12 year and truly still love what I do.

In the Angelic World, you will be treated as if you were my only client, its personal service all the way. None of this process photography where you are just a $$. I put my heart and soul into every wedding and every portrait session.

I feel very lucky that I have found my calling in life. People can spend their whole life not knowing what they are here for...not me!!! This is definitely my destiny, to capture people and moments in time that will echo through the generations. It sounds kinda way out but just ask my previous 1,256,235 clients (Ok, its not really that many)

So, why not call and have a chat with me about what photography requirements you have.. and become part of my Angelic World....

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